Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've been a little busy.........

Well, I haven't posted in a bit, I've had a lot to do and just haven't found the time :-)

I have officially moved into my new apartment! It's in Beaconsfield (South Fremantle), at 250 Hampton Road. I have one more shelf to assemble (my giant 6' x 6' one) and then I will be able to finish unpacking! I purchased a very long sofa as well as bedroom furniture so I think I am set for furniture now, yay.

Since I last posted things have been good, work is still interesting. I am on diamond drilling until further notice / end of our financial year I think (that's in June here). And it's probably the best way for me to learn the rocks - chip samples just do not cut it.

My last couple breaks have been busy, just getting myself moved in and settled in the new place. I have lovely upstairs neighbors - Bronwyn and Claire - who are very helpful and lots of fun :-) They have an American roommate, Joey, who is moving back to the states in a couple weeks, his replacement, Ross, is staying at my place until Joey leaves.

I just had an interesting break, played cricket - it is a ridiculous game, don't even bother. And spent way tomuch time trying to get an Internet hookup with Telstra - worst plan ever, at one point I was too angry to drive and that never happens with me. Seriously, one thing Canada has the Aussie's beat on hands down? Customer service. Honestly, Telus is less annoying than Telstra, it's pretty shocking.

Well I better try and get some more sleep, I woke up at 1am and decided to do this instead of computer games and now i'm feeling sleepy, yay!



1 comment:

  1. This blog blows!!!!! it would help if you blogged at least once a month. ha ha
